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Latest update: March 31st, 2011 (New Release, Updated News page)
AIR-CD-9064(2) [2CDs]
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji
Symphonia brevis (Symphony No. 5 for solo piano).
Donna Amato, piano
Available from Records International, and other fine retailers.
Carson Cooman
9 Preludes / Concert Piece: La Tricotea / Madrigal / Lullaby (after Rameau) / Summer Solstice / Bear Mountain Fragments / Madaket Dreaming / Mountain Toccata
Donna Amato, piano
Available from Records International, and other fine retailers.
Samuil Feinberg
Rita Ahonen (mezzo-soprano)
Sami Luttinen (bass)
Christophe Sirodeau (piano)
Available from Records International, and other fine retailers.
Simon Mawhinney (b.1976)
Mary Dullea, piano
Barcode III
Darragh Morgan, violin
Darragh Morgan, violin / Mary Dullea, piano
See Catalogue
page, News page
Samuil Feinberg
Concerto No.1 op.20 in C Major for piano & orchestra [1931]*
Christophe Sirodeau, piano / Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra / Leif Segerstam, conductor
Solo piano works:
Fantasia No.2, op.9 in E minor [1919]* / Etude op.11 No.1 in Eb major [1919] / Prelude op.8 No.2 in A minor [1917] / Prelude op.8 No.4 in Eb major [1917] / Etude op.11 No.4 in F minor [1919] / 3 Preludes op.15 [1923] / Berceuse op.19a [1927] / The Dream (from op.28) op.posth [1955]* / Album for Children op.posth [1961-62]*
Christophe Sirodeau, piano
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9082. Sorabji: Un nido di scatole / Djâmî / St Bertrand de Comminges - Jonathan Powell, piano (see news page, catalogue listing)]
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9035. Christophe Sirodeau: Musique vespérale pour Elsa (violoncelle solo et orchestre) / Obscur chemin des étoiles - Nocturnal-Fantasy pour piano solo / Artificial Horizon pour violon solo / Cénotaphe pour piano solo en hommage à J.S. Bach et Samuil Feinberg / Jeux d'ombres pour violon et piano / Arlequins en rouge et blanc - Hommage à Raoul Dufy pour violoncelle et piano / Esquisse pour Adramandoni op.12 : poème musical électro-acoustique. Pia Segerstam, cello, Orchestre National de Montpellier, Leif Segerstam, conductor. Jonathan Powell, piano. Hannele Segerstam, violin. Christophe Sirodeau, piano. (see news page, catalogue listing)]
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9081. Sorabji: Concerto per suonare da me solo - Jonathan Powell, piano (see news page, catalogue listing)]
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9061. Joseph Marx: Italienisches Liederbuch (first complete recording) / Lieder: Sarah Leonard, soprano, Jonathan Powell, piano (see news page, catalogue listing)]
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9074. Busoni: Fantasia contrappuntistica, Fantasia nach J.S.Bach, Toccata: John Ogdon, piano (see news page, catalogue listing)]
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9070(2). Busoni: Transcriptions after Bach / Fantasia contrappuntistica: John Ogdon, piano (see news page, catalogue listing)]
[NEW RELEASE. AIR-CD-9083. Sorabji: Rosario d'arabeschi / Gulistan - Jonathan Powell, piano (see news page, catalogue listing)]
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